Past Events
Events for 2022-2023
Global Hong Kong Studies @ UC Spring Events:
1. Seminar: The Concept of “Borderland” in Hong Kong Studies - RSVP link: https://www.eventbrite.
Seminar: The “Borders” of Hong Kong History
Date & Time: April 18th (Tuesday) 6-7:30 pm PST
Speaker: Denise Ho, Yale University
Discussant: Julian Lim, Arizona State University
2. Double Book Talk:
Date & Time: May 4th (Thursday) 6-7:30 pm PST
Building Colonial Hong Kong:Speculative Development and Segregation in the City (Routledge 2022) by Cecilia Chu
Unsettling Exiles: Chinese Migrants in Hong Kong and the Southern Periphery During the Cold War (Columbia U Press 2023) by Angelina Chin
3. Symposium: “Daily Wish: Hong Kong Artists in the World”
Date & Time: May 18th (Thursday) 5-7pm PST
Speakers: Justin Wong Chiu-tat (Artist), Abby Chen (Head of Contemporary Art, Asian Art Museum)
Host & Discussant: Winnie Wong, UC Berkeley
A Film Series: Hong Kong Lost or Found?
This film series features four extraordinary works of two documentary filmmakers – Evans Chan (陳耀成) and Chan Tze-woon (陳梓桓) -- who have chronicled Hong Kong’s two transitions (1997 and 2020) and major social protests in between. The four films are free and accessible to all online, each for 24 hours. Join us for a post-screening discussion with them in-person or online on March 3 at 9 pm (PST) at UCLA’s James Bridges Theater.
Feb 10: Journey to Beijing 北征 by Evans Chan
Feb 17: Yellowing 亂世備忘 by Chan Tze-woon
Feb 24: We Have Boots 我們有雨靴 by Evans Chan
March 3: Blue Island 憂鬱之島 by Chan Tze-woon
Co-organizers: Global Hong Kong Studies@UC, Hong Kong on Screen, Melnitz Movies
RSVP here:
Triton Table Talk | Career Conversation: Global Health Care Equity Advocacy
When: Monday, January 30th from 5:00-5:45pm via Zoom
Alumni Speaker: Kristin Kalla, MA, MPH - BA in Communication from Thurgood Marshall College ’87 (see Kristin’s bio attached)
Organizations Worked For: International Criminal Court in The Hague, United Nations (UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN University), Ministry of Health New Zealand, KPMG New Zealand, CARE International, Population Services International, Relief International, Pathfinder International, Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS, Bridges to Prosperity.
"Russia's war against Ukraine: how and why Putin wants to change history?" -a lecture by Dr. Ihor Lylo- a Ukrainian historian who focuses on anthropology and cultural exchange. In particular, he studies the cultural significance and influence of Ukrainian and East European cuisine in its historical context. Dr Lylo has published several monographs: Lviv's cuisine (two ed. 2009, 2019) and Ukraine: food and history and more than 25 other articles. He will be in residence in the department of History in 2023.
When: Monday, February 6th from 11:00am-1:00pm
Where: SSB 105
RSVP: here
"Pathways to Impactful International Careers - International Education Week Career Spotlight"As part of International Education Week, the Career Center and the International Institute have partnered to provide UCSD students with a panel of both industry professionals and UCSD alumni to highlight international career pathways.
Tuesday, November 15th 2022 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Watch our Carrer International Panel here: here
Events for 2021-2022
Vivian G. Prins Scholars at Risk Speaker Series
Fayyaz Baqir - April 20, 2022 at 12:30pm
"Humility as the key to peace, prosperity, and progress: Reflections on Aga Khan Rural Support Programme's Work in Pakistan"
Semahagn Gashu Abebe - February 23, 2022 at 12:30pm
Rezvan Moghaddam - January 28, 2022
Leila Papoli-Yazdi - November 18, 2021
Inaugural talk
Dr. Wendy Brown, of UC Berkeley Political Science, gave a wonderful talk to inaugurate the International Institute on March 14, 2017. You can view her talk here:

2018-19 Sawyer Seminar
Claiming the City: urban citizenship, hybrid cultures, & governance in the modern era