Events for 2024-2025
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UCSD Global Borders Initiative Kickoff 10-22-24
The International Institute, Human Rights and Migration Program, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS), and Critical Refugee Studies Collective invite you to the UCSD Global Borders Initiative Kickoff on Tuesday, October 22nd, 4:00-6:30 p.m. at CCIS, in ERC 115 (directions here). Please RSVP here.
UCSD is situated at the intersection of multiple borders – the U.S.-Mexico Border, which itself cuts through the Kumeyaay Nation, the Pacific Rim, intranational borders and internal displacements, and by association the many borders crossed by San Diego’s refugee communities. People from around the globe are arriving in the region, escaping violence, poverty, and the effects of climate change, often driven by US intervention.
Part One: Human Rights Fellow Presentations
4:00 Ifsha Zehra (Communication), on the Line of Control (LoC) in the Indian controlled area of Kashmir
4:20 Ash Cornejo (Anthropology), on the US-Mexico border
4:40 Discussion & Q&A
Part Two: Global Borders Initiative Planning
5:00 Introductions & learning about one another’s work related to borders
5:20 Brainstorming session: ideas for Global Borders Initiative
5:50 Next Steps/ Announcements
6:00 Wine & Cheese Reception
OTHERWISE Film Festival 11-13-24 to 11-16-24